I have always been an open book, never quite understanding what it really means. I realize now that
being vulnerable is a gift... just like each and every part of us is a gift!
We are all unique right down to our freckles and, please believe me when I tell you, it is our JOB TO SHARE OUR GIFTS WITH THE WORLD. This is something I am so passionate about (note the caps) because it is my sincere belief that your gifts are what the universe is holding it's breath for; waiting for; praying for!
So please don't waste another moment to speak what's on your mind today or in your heart or on your easel and please put it out there. Let's all TOUCH another person's life today with our truth and with the essence of who we are because what's more precious than sharing a piece of ourself with another? The world will be richer for it.
As an artist and truly a teacher at heart, I LOVE showing a piece in progress as it unfolds and finds itself.
Like carving a sculpture from a piece of rock, this was one of those pages that gave me a feeling of relief, once completed.
Using acrylic paint, oil pastels, gel pens, handcarved stamps, masking tape and "ransom" style magazine letters on this one, each page becomes a purging of sorts. My goal for these journal pages is to make it PERSONAL so that by doing so, I can no longer take for granted what I'm discovering on this inner journey!
On the subject of my page, over the last few months I was finally able to get rid of an ache I've had in my heart for five decades and forgive my step-grandfather for molesting me at a very young age. Not excuse, not condone in ANY WAY, just accept that he was a victim of a victim just like I was. Closure. "I can forgive. I choose love."