04 March 2009

every day is a new beginning

upland farm - sherman, CT 02.25.08

Let there be respect for the earth,

Peace for its people,

Love in our lives,

Delight in the good,

Forgiveness for past wrongs

And from now on, a new start.

millennium resolution - rev. peter trow - 1999


Seth said...

I like the sentiment here. And a beautiful photograph too!

nanakin1 said...

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your corner of the world. It's lovely here.
Seeing the phrase "my corner of the world" reminds me of a song my mother used to play on the piano a few decades ago. It was "My Little Corner of the World" -- wow, the words and tune are coming back fast. It ended "You'll always be the only one for me. So welcome to my little corner of the world." Thanks, Vicki. I hadn't thought of that song in ages. I wish I could hear her play and sing it one more time.
Nancy Scott (nanakin1@gmail.com))

Aimeslee Winans said...

Wow, it looks so cold but so purdy...great photo. Hope you are doing good. :-)

Toni said...

This photo made me tear up -- I am longing for the quiet openness of a rural-scape.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog! Kelly Kilmer offers an on-line class, which is where I found the prompts -- here is a link for you: http://kellykilmer.blogspot.com/2009/02/prompt-day-online-mixed-media-art.html You can sign up by hitting the prompt on her sidebar. I had a blast for February, and only some other projects/obligations prevented me from signing up again in March.

I want to come back and 'visit' your blog better, but am at work right now so see you later!!