31 March 2010

blessed by a life of love

.................................... these are recent pics ...........................
Our house is alot emptier these days since our precious 18 year old "SATCHie" crossed the Rainbow Bridge 3 days ago, on Sunday. Finally free from the Diabetes that kept him on a 12-hour insulin shot schedule for 5+ years, we know that he is young again, rolling in catnip, scratching his post and chasing fuzzy mouse toys with Sam. "Have fun little Chi-Chi.. We will be there to see you as soon as our time comes!"

We honor his passing the same way we did with his brother, Sam (3/11/92-2/4/06) by making a shrine that includes photos + a candle and participating each monday in the Candle Ceremony for pet loss.

The ceremony began online in 1993 and spread internationally in just 2 weeks (time zone chart below)! And although we can light our candles privately and in our own way, by lighting them at the same time we are all joined in spirit to share this common love and healing.

The ceremony encompasses not only the newly bereaved but those remembering beloved pets from long ago as well as animals with special needs, those who are sick or suffering as well as other pet OWNERS who are going through this difficult time.

Excerpt from the original website "When a human loved one dies, a prescribed ritual provides a cushion between the loss and the return to "normal" life. When the loved one is a furbeing, society provides no means of closure. For many of us the Candle Ceremony has brought peace, acceptance and the hope of eternal reunion someday in that place 'just this side of Heaven' we call Rainbow Bridge." - Marion Hale.

Mark your calendar and join us, won't you?

Candle lighting times are...

10 PM Eastern
9 PM Central
8 PM Mountain
7 PM Pacific
6 PM Alaska
5 PM Hawaii

In South America:
Sao Paulo - 11 pm
Chile - 10 pm

In Europe, Asia & The South Pacific:
Central Europe - 2:00 AM GMT Tuesday
London - 3 am Tuesday
Poland - 4 am Tuesday
Madrid / Paris - 4 am Tuesday
Egypt - 4 am Tuesday
Moscow - 6 am Tuesday
Australia (West Coast, Perth) - 10 am Tuesday
Tokyo, Japan - 11 am
Australia (East Coast, Sydney) - 12 noon

02 March 2010

I am back to more scanning/restoration of treasured family and ancestor pics. here's one from yesterday..

Treasure found! - I always WISHED I could find a pic of my parents dancing, and surprise! Both of them were "clear-the-floor" ballroom dancers in their day. An accomplished gymnast, Dad taught dance at sumer camp in Maine when he was only 19 years old. He also taught square dancing in the philadelphia area throughout my childhood. Mom, 86, recently told me there was NO WAY she was going to marry a man who couldn't dance ~ and boy, did he have the moves!! ♥