31 August 2009

count down to ART


April 2009 "Beerworks" BOSTON

Being without a computer has been trying, to say the least! I have been so busy making art that I hope you will remember to check back in with me over the next 1-2 weeks! I'm closer to being able to scan all of my new projects (for sharing here) but we're just not there yet.

The tale begins with absolute elation over a recent decision to back up our computers. Thankfully I was able to salvage 99% of my photography and all of my art before my PC d-i-e-d about 5-6 weeks ago!!! We bought an external mass storage device or external hard drive for around $180 at our local office supply store. Something I highly recommend. There are 2 versions, USB or Network and Network, though costing almost 50% more, is much faster.

Resuscitating my July photo shoot in Portland Maine continues to be a challenge, but I haven't given up. Everything else is coming along slowly but surely, as we purchased a "bare bones" package for around $400. My new Intel Pentium 2.8 GHz Dual Core is screaming fast, compared to what I had before and has enough storage space (300 GB) for my massive photo collection and scanned artwork.

This turned out to be a great deal but has required extreme patience on my part. For example, my camera has been maxed out for about 2-3 weeks and I can't offload (or TAKE ANY MORE PICTURES) until the software's been installed. This is because my husband asked me to prioritize the workload so I carefully weighed the importance of each application & feature and he's spreading out the various installations over several weekends. When your husband works in IT, or really any type of high-stress job, downtime is precious. Just as it is to me! He spends his in the recording studio downstairs in "the cave" and I spend mine in my "cave" or Art Room. (That is when we're not watching past episodes of "24" or Red Sox Games!) So, he's been able to dedicate a couple hours a week to the project and it's not over yet.
  • Norton antivirus: (8/22/09) ~ completed but with major issues, delays
  • Web access, email, etc: (8/22/09)
  • Printer: (8/23/09) ~ completed but SOME issues, delays
  • MAXTOR access to my archived photos and art
  • Speakers: (8/27/09) ~ completed but SOME issues, purchase required
  • Replacing the CORRECT version of Microsoft Office: check (8/28/09) ~ completed but yes, more major issues, patch had to be researched online & worked! WHEW!
  • UPDATE: Fuji FinePix Digital Camera: (9/4/09) ~ offloaded 300+ pics, took 290 more on 9/5/09 trip to brooklyn bridge.


  • Camera (done)
  • Scanner
  • Photshop Elements 6.0
  • "Old" C: drive with vacation photos
~ In the meantime, I am getting my hands dirty and staying busy! ~

10 August 2009

sad but true!

... Shhhhh! Don't tell the boss! I am posting from work because MY PC HAS BEEN DOWN FOR 3 WEEKS!

Ever-anxious to share my art, tips and techniques, photos from my adventuresand to remain in touch with so many lovely friends in this online community..

I will be posting again soon, estimating just after this weekend, or around August 18! Please be sure to check back ~ we've got alot of catching up to do!!!

July trip to Portland, Maine

come on in!

day one in my side garden